Santa Barbara Music

This was one of my first composer’s jobs in US. Needless to say, I was a bit nervous since the whole World was watching “Santa Barbara” at that time. My instructions from the music supervisor on the project were very sparse – “try to cover as many genres as possible”. The rest is all my judgement.
The result was close to 30 various cues in lengths and tempi. How cool was it to hear your music for the next 20 years every time SB was on the air)).
Release of my underscores

As 2018 is coming into our lives, I am getting, finally, to the major adventure in a composer’s life – full release of my Hollywood films’ underscores.
Not as simple as I hoped.
Most of them were recorded and mixed to the DAT format. So we worked hard to transfer them to a full digital format, cleaned them up and edited, were needed. Than – full mastering. But the result is quite spectacular – you can hear it yourselves.
Producer Horunzhy: For the main role in the film about Babi Yar we will invite one of the best actresses of our time

Producer Vladimir Khorunzhiy told about the work on the film “YAR” dedicated to the tragedy of Babi Yar, explained why it is pointless to seek money in Ukrainian Goskino funds and how the project can interest Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, Diane Kruger and Kirsten Dunst.