The Lord Protector: The Dark Mist
The Lord Protector: The Dark Mist

About the film Lord Protector: The Dark Mist said a lot and different things. But I, as a direct participant in the process, can confidently state that for many of my friends this film- fantasy will always remain in my memory, as one of the best childhood paintings, which at one time delivered a lot unforgettable impressions. Briefly recall that the director of the film Lord Protector was Ryan Carroll, and starred Terry Austin, Patrick Cassidy, Olivia Hussey, Jay Underwood, Ron Hale, Silney Coleman, Matthew Dowling, Jonathan Fuller, Charlton Heston.
The film was shot at the Alpine Pictures studio. Runtime: 90 min.
“This is a fantasy adventure that is filled with sword fights, odd creatures and magical doorways. On a planet of mythical wizards and prophecies, there is a protector who is the keeper of the ancient law. An evil magician wants all the power and to bring back the Black mist. The Lord Protector is to keep the Dark mist sealed in its tomb like the prophecy warns. So the battle is on.”