In filmmaking the DECISION is everything, like a FINAL DECISION, like a GREEN LIGHT!
As a producer of this CREATURE horror film, I was completely taken by an idea of making a top quality 3D feature movie on a budget of “one shooting day of Jim Cameron’s Avatar”!
As a composer I knew the score must be a unique one – it has to reflect all the fantastic melodies and motives of Carpathian region of Ukraine and at the same time it must have a horror themes and all the attributes of a genre horror movie.
Being on the set, looking at the lake Synevir – blue heavenly gem – in the middle of Carpathian mountains, surrounded by the straight like needles pine tree forests, was inspiring by itself. But when you had a drink with locals and they started talking about a Mountain Monster, you get the feel for the music to the film right away!
There are many native musical instruments in this film score – drymba, trembita, cymbaly, sopilka, bubon and of course the standard instruments of the orchestra, that when combined sounded really great!
We were using some songs of that time period as the script demanded. They were the hits of the great songwriter of 1979’s – Volodymir Ivasyuk.
One song for the end titles of the film, “Zvir” – “Beast” was written and performed by the talented Lesya Roi. My good friend Vladimir Kripak was helping us to put it all together.
The music score came out as a perfect partner to a 3D picture and I am sure, was the reason this film won a Grand Prize at the Moscow International 3D Film Festival.