Interview: Vladimir Horunzhy

Interview: Ljubov Dzuzhynska
Photo: Oleg Radkovets

Vladimir Horunzhy is a film producer and composer, a well-known jazz musician. 

What’s it like to be you?
You should be asking my wife. She told me everything about me this morning. Even the things that I did not know at all about myself and didn’t even suspect that they existed. Well, there are two sides to me. The Cossack side, hence the surname. It’s the part that loves this country, this land, these landscapes. When I travel across Ukraine, everything swirls inside me! And the second part of me is the Jewish part, which I inherited after my mother. These are meticulous people who love details, meaning, art. So I am this dual individual which at times is very difficult. Well, I manage somehow and I’ve been doing this for seventy years haha.

Do these two sides fight each other?
All the time.

Do you always notice it happening?
I do. I seem to be having a dialogue with myself. I want to stop. I want to stop being critical. I want to stop the flow of ideas and projects because that’s how you return to the self. No matter how far you come out of your shell, you still return to it, because at some point you bump into a wall, or maybe you even put these ideas into someone else’s brain. You do it to recharge, you do it for your self-esteem and as a result, you always come back to yourself. And these personalities: the open you, the closed you, the critical you, the creative you – are all boiling together. It’s probably a good soup recipe.

Thank you Ljubov Dzuzhynska for the nice conversation and read full article here